"This movie has been approved by
The Dove Foundation for family viewing."
"A suspense filled, feel good movie. Loved it!"
-Don Blackwell Gospel Broadcasting Network
Sheriff (played by Ron Trotter)
The greedy small-town sheriff
Carol Jennings (played by Jean Carpenter)
Reliable and trustworthy confidant, who is concerned for Cheri
Robert (played by Ferman Carpenter)
Friend of the family, called upon to help Cheri
Margret Hannah (played by Rhonda Washington)
Loving wife, caregiver, and compassionate friend
Carl Hannah (played by Al Washington)
CEO who manages the business and takes care of his friends
Daniel Ryan (played by Chad Motal)
Hard-working businessman with a generous heart
Cheri Harper (played by Stephanie Motal)
Struggling young woman who is helped to find her way and the Truth
"This movie has been approved by
The Dove Foundation for family viewing."
"A suspense filled, feel good movie. Loved it!"
-Don Blackwell Gospel Broadcasting Network